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59 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 35 - 55
梧桐半死清霜后,白头鸳鸯失伴飞!三观正、合眼缘者楼上看座,书香文字,慢慢看,细细品! 理工男,土木系,又土又木,资质鲁钝,遇佳人亦会灵光咋现。从事工程项目计划与成本控制。从来不炒股票,但喜欢工程及资本的风险分析与控制。 一介书生,布衣草莽,行走天地之间,严谨务实,坦诚、爽快、干净的血性男儿。也是世俗眼中的无趣男人,恋家不愿出差、不抽烟、不喝酒、不懂追女人、不识麻将牌。喜欢地缘政治、宏观经济、自制美食、锻炼身体! 莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。苍鹭与落雁齐飞,秋水共长天一色。余生与君共度,把酒临风,畅谈百舸争流的激情与澎湃,感受春华秋实的浪漫与静美。 人生海海,山山而川,不过尔尔。空空而来,苦苦而过,了了而去。且停且忘且随风,且行且看且从容。昨日之深渊,今日之浅谈。于高山之巅,方见大河奔涌;于群峰之上,更觉长风浩荡。 禅茶一味,甘苦一念。万丈红尘三杯酒,千秋大业一壶茶。是非成败转头空,浊酒一杯喜相逢。浮沉几载如入梦,似是惊鸿照影来。我本无意惹惊鸿,奈何朱颜入我心。因缘而聚,因情而暖,因惜而爱。是谁看穿了你微笑背后的忧伤?是谁懂得你坚强背后的沧桑? 众生皆我,我亦众生。万物同体,来去虚空。肉体在物质世界里流转,灵魂在六道里轮回。假如人生只为肉体享乐,岂不委屈了高尚的灵魂,荒废了这一世光阴! 成年人的世界里,只选择,不教育。让人清醒的永远是南墙。宁与同好争高下,不遇傻子论短长。道不同,及时止损。不要把消耗自己的人请进生命里,极简生活即精致生活。 感情游戏,浪费生命,低俗无趣,让人厌恶。成熟的情感,不外两个字,真与懂。人生最好的状态是在懂自己的人群中散步,不是降维迁就,而是平视怜爱! 幸福从来不是寻找来的,幸福是付出爱之后的内心满足。内心残缺的人,永远无法得到幸福,其中的缘由来源于此。以索取为目的的婚姻、爱情、亲情或友情,注定不会长久。 凡夫俗子,烟火红尘。仰望星空,脚踏实地。生活简单,情感专一。柴米油盐酱醋茶,锅碗瓢盆交响曲。恩爱甜蜜,灯火阑珊。弱水三千,一瓢得醉。生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。活在当下,修身修心,一万年太久,只争朝夕!
56 Tōkyō, Tokyo, Japan
Seeking: Female 20 - 60
I lost my beloved wife eight years ago. Thanks to this long period, I was able to recover from the loss of my family and I hope my ex-wife agreed to look for a new partner for the rest of my life. I think I am well educated, healthy and well-tolerated. If you like my appearance, I will be a man that suits you very much. My profession is an advisor for a transportation company. I live in Tokyo taking care of my daughter who has divorced due to health problems. If you feel something in my soul base, please do not hesitate to contact me. And the two of us will be on a date, and mutual understanding will sooner or later lead to a happy result. You asked for a passport as an ID, but it has expired five years ago, so please allow it until you get a new one. PS. Investment and remittance are prohibited by the secretariat. This long period made me recovered from family loss and I think previously my ex-wife allow me to look for new partner for rest of my life. I think I am well-educated, healthy and enough tolerance and if you like my looks&appearance,I would be very handsome man for you. my occupation is an advisor for the leading transportation company looking after my daughter who was diverted because of her health problem. if you would feel anything on me on soul basis, I would be very happy to know it and both of us will pile up date and mutual understanding will lead us sooner or later to happy result. PS. no investment, no transfer money.as they are prohibited by secretariat. 亲 爱. Eight years ago, I lost my wife and son, Fukashimaya (爱). Our first wife, I can hear you again, and I am 侣 寻 找. I am very happy with my education, physical health, and widthness, I am very happy with my external table, I am very happy with my book, I am very happy with my book 认 够 你 你. Eight-顾问 is a family working. I am a married woman, and I have to take care of her health. 顾 I have heard that there are many people who have heard of it, and I am very happy to hear that I am in the city, and I am in the city, and I am in the city 你 觉 们 俩 积 约 们. Supplementary words. Prohibition of investment, prohibition of rotation. For this reason, it is prohibited to read the manuscript.
